Sample translations

Sample provisional translations of parts of Genesis into Nawat 

(and secondarily into English)

  • Genesis 1:1 - 4:16 (How God built the sky and the land, Adam and Hava, Kain and Habel)
  • Genesis 22:1-19 (God tests Abraham)
  • Genesis 27:1-45 (Yakov tricks Yitzhak)

Readings from Genesis: Genesis 1:1-4:16 in Nawat translation and an English gloss
© 2014 Alan R. King and Ne Bibliaj Tik Nawat

Ken kiketzki ne Teut ne ilwikak wan ne tal
KWAK ne Teut pejki kinketza
ne ilwikak wan ne tal
ne tal inteuk muektalijtuk
takumi ijpak miktan
ejekat pal Teut papataka
pak iishkalyu ne at

kwakuni inak Teut ma nemi tawil
wan muchijki ne tawil
kiwelitak Teut ne tawil
kikupej Teut tawil tech takumi
ne tawil kinutzki Tunal
wan ne takumi kinutzki Tayua
tayuakik, tatwik, se tunal

inak Teut ma muchiwa
se pachantuk tatajku ne at
kikupewa at itech at
kichijki Teut ne pachantuk
kikupej ne at itankupa ne pachantuk
tech ne at ijpak ne pachantuk
wan kiane nakak
wan ne pachantuk kinutzki Ilwikak
tayuakik, tatwik, ukse tunal

inak Teut ma musentepewa
ne at itankupa ne ejekat
ma nesi tal waktuk
wan kiane nakak
10 ne tal waktuk kinutzki Tal
ne at sentepejtuk kinutzki Weyat
wan kiwelitak ne Teut

11 inak Teut ma shushuknajkisa
ne tal iwan sajsakat
mulinit wan ishkisat
kwajkwawit takilchiwat
kitaliat intakil ken yejemet
kipia ne iish kalijtik
wan kiane nakak
12 kishtij ne tal sajsakat
kisa ne iish ken yejemet
kwajkwawit kitaliat intakil
kipia ne iish ken yejemet
wan kiwelitak ne Teut
13 tayuakik, tatwik, yey tunal

14 inak Teut ma muchiwakan
tajtawil tik ipachantuk ne ilwikak
kinkupewat tunal wan tayua
pal muishmatit ijilwit
tujtunal wan shijshiwit
15 tajtawil tik ipachantuk ne ilwikak
pal kitawiluat ne tal
wan kiane nakak

16 kichijki Teut ume wey tawil
ne wey itekuyu ne tunal
ne chikitik itekuyu ne tayua
nusan ne sitalmet
17 kintalij Teut tik ipachantuk ne ilwilkak
pal kitawiluat ne tal
18 kintekimakat tunal wan tayua
wan kinkupewat tawil wan takumi
wan kiwelitak ne Teut
19 tayuakik, tatwik, nawi tunal

20 inak ne Teut ma kumuni ne at
iwan kumuninimet yultuk
ma patanikan pataninimet
pak tal, pak ipachantuk ne ejekat
21 kinketzki Teut ne wejwey akuat
wan muchi tay ulini yultuk
ne kumuni tik ne at sejse ken sejse
wan ne patanini kipia iejtapal sejse ken sejse
wan kiwelitak ne Teut

22 kinteuchij Teut wan inak:
shitajtakiltalikan, shimumiakchiwakan
shiktemakan ne ajat
wan ne tujtutut ma mijmiak pak ne tal
23 tayuakik, tatwik, makwil tunal

24 inak ne Teut ma kinhishti ne tal
ne yujyultuk sejse ken sejse,
takwalmet wan ulininimet
wan tekwanimet ipal ne tal sejse ken sejse
wan kiane nakak

25 kinchijki Teut tekwanimet
ipal ne tal sejse ken sejse
wan ne takwalmet sejse ken sejse
wan muchi ne ulinit talchi, sejse ken sejse
wan kiwelitak ne Teut

26 inak Teut: tikchiwakan
Takat kenha ken tejemet
ma tatukti ijpak michintal
tujtutut ipal ne ejekat
takwalmet, wan muchi ne tal
wan muchi tay ulini talchi

27 kiketzki Teut ne Takat ken Yajasan
kenha ken ne Teut kiketzki
ukich wan siwat kinketzki

28 kinteuchij ne Teut wan kinhilwij:
shitajtakiltalikan, shimumiakchiwakan
shiktemakan ne taltikpak
shimuchiwakan itejtekuyu
shitatuktikan ijpak michintal
ne tujtutut pal ne ejekat
wan muchi tay ulini talchi

29 inak Teut: naja nimetzinmaka
muchi ne sajsakat ishkisat
nemit pak muchi ne tal
wan muchi ne kwajkwawit
kichiwat intakil kipia iish
yejemet anmupal pal ankikwat

30 wan pal takwat muchi ne takwalmet
wan muchi ne tujtutut pal ne ejekat
wan muchi ne ulinit talchi
ne ijtik yejemet nemi iijiu yultuk
muchi ne kijkilit nikinmaka
wan kiane nakak

31 kitak Teut muchi tay kichijtuk
wan sujsul kiwelitak
tayuakik, tatwik, ne tunal chikwasen

mutamijket ilwikak wan tal
wan muchi ne taltikpak
wan kitamij Teut tik ne tunal chikume
ne itekiw kichijtuya
wan musewij tik ne chikume
ika yekawik muchi itekiw

kiteuchij ne Teut ne tunal chikume
wan inak ka wey uni tunal
ka tik yaja sewik itekiw
pal kichiwa muchi tay kiketzki

wan ini ken ijtuk wan ne ilwikak wan ne tal
kwak yejemet pejket muchiwat

How God built the sky and the land
WHEN God began building
the sky and the land
the land was not yet arranged
darkness over depths
wind of God fluttering
on the face of the water

then said God there should be light
and there came to be light
God liked the light
God separated light and darkness
the light he called Day
and the darkness he called Night
night fell, morning dawned, one day

God said there should be made
an expanse amidst the water
separating water from water
God made the expanse
that separated the water under the expanse
from the water over the expanse
and so it was
and the expanse he called Sky
night fell, morning dawned, another day

God said there should be a gathering
of the water under the air
for dry land to appear
and so it was
10 the dry land he called Land
the gathered water he called Ocean
and God liked it

11 God said there should be a flourishing
of the land with grasses
sprouting and seeding
trees producing fruit
bearing fruit like them
having a seed inside
and so it was
12 the earth brought forth grasses
whose seed was like them
trees producing fruit
bearing fruit like them
and God liked it
13 night fell, morning dawned, three days

14 God said there should be made
lights in the expanse of the sky
separating day and night
for the knowing of holidays
days and years
15 lights in the expanse of the sky
to light up the land
and so it was

16 God made two big lights
the big one master of the day
the small one master of the night
also the stars
17 God put them in the expanse of the sky
to light up the land
18 command day and night
and separate light and darkness
and God liked it
19 night fell, morning dawned, four days

20 God said the water should swarm
with swarming life
that flying things should fly
on land, on the expanse of the air
21 God built the great water-serpents
and all moving life
that swarms in the water each like each
and the flying things with wings each like each
and God liked it

22 God blessed them and said:
bear fruit, proliferate
fill up the waters
and let the birds be many over the land
23 night fell, morning dawned, five days

24 God said the land should bear
living things each like each,
animals and moving things
and wildlife each like each
and so it was

25 God made wild beasts
of the land each like each
and the animals each like each
and all that moves on the ground, each like each
and God liked it

26 said God: let us make
Man similar to ourselves
to rule over the fishes
birds of the air
animals, and all the land
and all that moves on the ground

27 God built Man like Himself
similar to God he made him
male and female he made them

28 God blessed them and said to them:
bear fruit, proliferate
fill the earth
become its masters
rule over the fishes
the birds of the air
and all that moves on the ground

29 God said: I give you
all the seeding grasses
that are on all the land
and all the trees
bearing fruit with seeds
they are yours to eat

30 and for all the animals, to eat
and all the birds of the air
and all that moves on the ground
in which the breath of life is
I give them the vegetation
and so it was

31 God saw all he had done
and liked it very much
night fell, morning dawned, six days

sky and land were finished
and all the earth
and God finished on the sixth day
the work he had done
and rested on the seventh
because all his work was completed

God blessed the seventh day
and called that day great
for on it his work ended
of making everything he built

and this is the story of the sky and the land
when they came to be made

Adam wan Jawa

KWAK pejki kichiwa Tutajwan ne Teut
tal wan ilwikak
nian se kwawit inteuk kanaj
nian se sakat mulinik pak ne tal
ika inte kishinijtuk at
Tutajwan ne Teut ijpak tal
wan takat te kanaj pal tajpia mil
wan tejku se mishti tech ne tal
kiajwilia ne taltikpak

kwakuni kichijki Tutajwan ne Teut
ne Takat wan sukit pal ne tal
kishpitzki tik ne iyak iijiu yultuk
wan ne Takat mukwepki yultuk

kitukak Tutajwan ne Teut se yekmil
tik Eden, nepa Taneskan
kitalij unkan ne Takat kichijki

kichijki Tutajwan ne Teut ma mulini
sejse kwawit pak ne tal
yejyek pal tikitat wan pal titakwat
wan ne kwawit yultuk tik itajku ne yekmil
wan ne kwawit pal mumati yek wan teyek

10 se apan puni tik Eden
pal kiajwilia ne yekmil
ka ne yaja kupewi
mukwepa nawi at
11 ne se itukay Pishon
yaja ne kiyawalua Jawila
ne tal kan muajsi ne teukwit
12 wan ne teukwit pal uni tal yek
wan unkan nemi bedolaj wan tet shojam
13 ne ukse at itukay Gijon
yaja ne kiyawalua muchi ne tal pal Kush
14 wan ne yey itukay Jidekel
yaja ne panu tik Taneskan Ashur
wan ne nawi yaja Perat

15 kwakuni kikwij Tutajwan ne Teut ne takat
wan kitalij tik ne yekmil Eden
pal tekiti wan tajpia
16 kituktij Tutajwan Teut ne takat:
itech muchi ne kwajkwawit pal ne yekmil,
kilwij, weli titakwa
17 wan ne kwawit pal mumati yek wan teyek
maka shitakwa itech
ka su tikwa tiaw timiki

18 kwakuni inak Tutajwan ne Teut:
inte yek ma naka ne takat isel
niaw nikchiwilia se pal nemi iwan

19 kichijki Tutajwan ne Teut tech ne tal
muchi ne tekwanit pal ne kojtan
muchi ne pataninit pal ne ejekat
wan kalinwikak iishpan ne takat
pal kita ken kinnutza
wan muchi tay kinnutza ne takwalmet
yaja itukay
20 kintalilij ne takat intujtukay
muchi ne tajtakwalmet
ne pataninit pal ne ejekat
wan muchi ne tekwanit pal ne kojtan
wan ipal ne takat inte kiajsik
se pal kipalewia

21 kitamin Tutajwan ne Teut
kuchilis ijpak ne takat
wan kuchki wan kikwij se iumiskwil
wan kitzak ne nakat kan nemituya
22 kiketzki Tutajwan ne Teut
ne iumiskwil kishtilijtuya ne takat
pal kichiwa se siwat
wan kalwikak iishpan ne takat

23 inak ne takat: ashan kia
ne umit nuumiu, ne nakat nunakayu
yajini munutzas siwat
ka yaja muishtij itech takat
24 yajika kiajkawa takat
ne iteku wan ne inan
wan musalua itech isiwaw
wan mukwepat sanse nakat

25 nakaket inhumeshtin pejpetztituk
ne takat wan isiwaw
wan te ishpinajket

ne kuat tamatini katka
pal muchi ne tajtakwalmet
kinchijki Tutajwan ne Teut
wan yaja kilwij ne siwat:
nusan inatuk ne Teut
ma inte shitakwakan
muchi tay ipal ne kwajkwawit pal ne mil?
kilwij ne siwat ne kuat:
itakil ne kwajkwawit pal ne mil
kia tiwelit tikwat
semaya itakil ne kwawit
nemi tik itajku ne mil
inak ne Teut: maka shikwakan
wan maka shikmatukakan
ka su inte, san anmikisket
kilwij ne kuat ne siwat:
inte anyawit anmikit
asunte kimati ne Teut
ka tik ne tunal kwak anyawit ankikwat
wan anmukwepasket ken ne Teut
ankimatit yek wan teyek

kitak ne siwat ka yek
ne kwawit pal mukwa itakil
wan yaja yektzin tik itachialis
wan yek ne kwawit pal tamati
kikwij ne itakil wan takwaj
wan kimakak ishulejyu nusan
wan takwaj
wan muishpelujket ne inhumeshtin
kimatket ka yejemet pejpetztituk
kijtzunket ijiswayu kuyu amat
kichijket majmashtat pal mutzakwat

kikakket Tutajwan ne Teut
pashalua tik ne mil kan ajsi ne ejekatzin
minashket ne takat wan isiwaw
itech Tutajwan ne Teut
tatajku ne kwajkwawit pal ne yekmil
kinutzki Tutajwan ne Teut
ne takat, ina: kan tinemi?
10 inak: nimetzkakik tik ne mil
wan nimajmawki ika naja nipetztituk,
inak, wan niminashki
11 inak: ká metznawatijtuk,
inak, ka taja tipetztituk?
anka ne itakil ne kwawit
nimetztuktij ma inte shikwa
taja tikwajtuk?
12 inak ne takat: ne siwat
ne tiktalijtuk nuwan,
inak, yaja nechmakak
ne itakil ne kwawit wan nikwaj
13 kilwij Tutajwan ne Teut ne siwat:
tay tikchijki?
inak ne siwat:
ne kuat nechshijshikuj wan nitakwaj

14 kilwij Tutajwan ne Teut ne kuat:
ika tikchijki ini
tetekia muwan ijtik muchi ne takwalmet
wan ijtik muchi tay yultuk tik kojtan
ijpak muijti tinejnemis
wan sukit tikwas sejsenpa
15 teijialis niu-niktalia
ijtik taja wan ne siwat
wan ijtik mupilawan wan ipilawan
yejemet metztzuntapanasket
wan taja tikinhikshikwas

16 wan ini tay kilwij ne siwat:
sea wey nikchiwas muyulkukulis
wan kwak tikpunia kukunet
metzkukus sujsul
mutaelewilis yawi ipal mushulejyu
wan yaja tatuktis mujpak

17 wan ini tay kilwij ne takat:
ika tiktakamatki musiwaw
wan tikwaj itakil ne kwawit
ne nimetztuktijtuk wan ninak:
maka shu-shikwa, kilwij,
yawi uij ne tal pal tikichkwa
iwan yulkukulis titakwas
mujmusta kwak tiu-tiyultuk
18 witzti wan kojtansakat yu-mulini mupal
tiu-tikwa talsakat
19 sea mitunis mukwatapal
pal tikwa mutamal
hasta tiu-timukwepa talchi
ika itech tal timuishtij
ika taja tisukit
wan itech sukit san timukwepas

20 kitalij ne takat itukay ne isiwaw Jawa
yaja muchijki ne innan muchi
21 wan kichijki Tutajwan ne Teut ipal ne takat wan isiwaw
wijwipil ipal kwetashti
wan kintakentij
22 wan inak Tutajwan ne Teut:
ashan ne takat mukweptuka
ken se tejemet kimati yek wan teyek
wan ashan ma inte kimelawa ne imey
kikwi nusan itakil ne kwawit yultuk
wan yu-kikwa wan yawi yultuk senpa
23 yajika kishtij Tutajwan ne Teut
tik ne yekmil pal Eden
wan kituktij ma tekiti
pak ne tal kanka muishtijtuk
24 kitalultij ne takat
wan kitalij itaneskan ne yekmil Eden
ne Kerubmet wan ne espadaj
tzitzinaka wan muyawalua
kipachiwia ne ujti pal ne kwawit yultuk

Adam and Hava

WHEN Our Lord God began to make
land and sky
there was neither a single tree yet
nor any grass sprouted on the earth
for Our Lord God had caused no rain
to fall upon the land
and there were no people to tend a field
and mist rose from the earth
watering the world

then Our Lord God made
Man with clay from the earth
blew living breath into his nostrils
and the Man came to life

Our Lord God planted a garden
in Eden, towards the East
there he put the Man he made

Our Lord God caused trees
to sprout on the land
that were good to look at and for eating
and the living tree in the middle of the garden
and the tree for knowing good and not good

10 a river sprang forth in Eden
to water the garden
there it split up
becoming four streams
11 one called Pishon
which goes round Havila
the land where gold is found
12 and the gold of that land is good
and that’s where the bedolach is and the shoham stone
13 another stream is called Gihon
which goes all around Cush
14 and the third is called Hidekel
that one passes east of Ashur
and the fourth is the Euphrates

15 then Our Lord God took the man
and put him in the garden of Eden
to work and tend to it
16 Our Lord God commanded the man:
from all the trees of the garden,
he told him, you may eat
17 and the tree for knowing good and not good
do not eat from it
for if you do you’re going to die

18 then said Our Lord God:
it isn’t good for the man to be alone
I will make company for him

19 Our Lord God made from the earth
all the wild animals of the forest
all the flying things of the air
and brought them in front of the man
to see what he called them
and whatever he called the animals
that was their name
20 the man gave names
to all the animals
the flying things of the air
and all the wild beasts of the forest
and for the man he did not find
a companion

21 Our Lord God cast
sleep over the Man
and he slept and he took a rib
and closed the flesh where it was
22 Our Lord God shaped
the rib he had taken from the man
into a woman
and brought her in front of the man

23said the man: this time indeed
the bone is my bone, the flesh is my flesh
this one shall be called woman
for she was taken from man
24 therefore a man leaves
his father and mother
and attaches himself to his wife
and they become a single flesh

25 the two of them were naked
the man and his wife
and they felt no shame

the snake was a wise one
of all the animals
that Our Lord God made
and it said to the woman:
so God has said
you should not eat
anything from the trees of the garden?
said the woman to the snake:
the fruit of the trees of the garden
we are allowed to eat
only the fruit of the tree
that’s in the middle of the garden
God said: don’t eat it
and do not touch it
or else you shall die
said the snake to the woman:
you’re not going to die
rather, God knows
that the day when you eat it
you’ll open your eyes already
and become like God
knowing good and not good

the woman saw the tree
was good for eating its fruit
and was beautiful to look at
and good for becoming knowledgeable
she took its fruit and ate
and gave it to her husband too
and he ate
and they both opened their eyes
they realised that they were naked
they sewed leaves of the amat tree
they made loincloths to wear

they heard Our Lord God
strolling in the garden when the breeze came
the man and his wife hid
from Our Lord God
among the trees of the beautiful garden
Our Lord God called out
to the man, saying: where are you?
10 he said: I heard you in the garden
and I was frightened because I’m naked,
he said, and I hid
11 he said: who has let you know,
he said, that you are naked?
maybe you’ve eaten
the fruit of the tree
I ordered you not to?
12 said the man: the woman
that you put with me,
he said, she gave me
the tree’s fruit and I ate
13 said Our Lord God to the woman:
what did you do?
said the woman:
the snake tricked me and I ate

14 said Our Lord God to the snake:
because you did this
shame on you among all the animals
and everything that lives in the forest
on your belly you shall move
and clay will you eat forever
15 hatred I shall put
between you and woman
and between your children and her children
they will crush your head
and you shall bite at their feet

16 and this is what he said to the woman:
I will make your sorrow so great
and when you bear children
you will suffer great pain
your desire will be for your husband
and he will wield authority over you

17 and this is what he said to the man:
because you obeyed your wife
and ate the fruit of the tree
that I ordered you and said:
do not eat it, he told him,
the land will be tough to till
you will eat with sorrow
each day while you live
18 thorns and weeds will sprout for you
you shall eat grass from the earth
19 your forehead will sweat greatly
to eat your tortilla
until you return to the ground
for from the earth you were taken
because you are clay
and clay will you turn into again

20 he named his wife Hava
she became mother to everyone
21 and Our Lord God made for the man and his wife
garments of skin
and clothed them
22 and Our Lord God said:
now mankind has already become
like one of us knowing good and not good
and now so he won’t reach his hand out
and also take the fruit of the living tree
and eat it and live forever
23 so Our Lord God expelled him
from the beautiful garden of Eden
and commanded him to work
on the land from which he had been taken
24 he chased the man away
and he placed to the east of the beautiful garden of Eden
the Kerubim with the sword
that glitters and turns
guarding the way to the living tree

Kain wan Habel

ne Adam nemik iwan Jawa isiwaw
weykiski, kipunij Kain
wan inak Jawa: nikwijtuk
se takat itech Teut
mukwepki kipunia ne iikaw, Habel
ne Habel tajpia ichkatal
wan Kain tekiti ne mil

ne tujtunal panuket, kalwikak Kain
itakil ne mil kitakulia Tutajwan
Habel nusan kalwikak itetakulis
kujkunet pal ne ichkatal wan ne itumakka
kitak Tutajwan Habel wan ne itetakulis
wan Kain wan ne itetakulis te kitak
kwalanik Kain sujsul, wetzki ne iishkalyu

kilwij Tutajwan Kain: taika tikwalani
taika wetztuk ne muishkalyu?
anka inte timukwis
su tikchiwa tay yek?
wan su te tikchiwa tay yek
iten ne kal ne teyek tejchia
metzelewia, wan taja tiktuktis

kilwij Kain Habel ne iikaw
wan kan nemituyat tik kojtan
muketzki Kain, yajki itech Habel
wan kimiktij

kilwij Tutajwan ne Kain:
kan nemi Habel muikaw?
inak: inte nikmati
anka niitajpiani nuikaw?
10 inak: tay tikchijtuk?
nikaki ne iesyu muikaw
nechtzajtzalia tik ne mil

11 ashkan tetekia muwan
ne tal mutenpelujtuk
pal kikwi ne iesyu muikaw
itech mumey, wan tik yaja
12 titekitis wan tea metzmakas yek
wan tiasneki ka senkak
tikyawalua ne taltikpak

13 kilwij Kain Tutajwan:
nukimil wey
ken inte weli muselia

14 tik ini tunal tinechtalultij
tik ne nutal tinechishtij
niaw niminaya wejka mutachialis

niasneki ka senkak
nikyawalua ne taltikpak
wan ká ne yu-nechita yu-nechmiktia

15 kilwij Tutajwan: su ijkiuni
ká ne yu-metzmiktia
chikume wipta yawit kitzunkwit

wan kitalililj Tutajwan Kain
se pal muishmati ma te kichalu
muchi ká ne yu-kinamiki

16 wan yajki Kain wejka Tutajwan
muchantia ne tal itukay Nod
ka itaneskan Eden

Kain and Habel

Adam slept with his wife Hava
she got pregnant, she gave birth to Kain
and Hava said: I have received
a man from God
again she gave birth to his brother Habel
Habel cared for the flock
and Kain worked the field

the days passed, Kain brought
fruit of the field to offer Our Lord
Habel also brought his gift
lambs of the flock and their fat
Our Lord looked at Habel and his gift
and Kain and his gift he did not see
Kain was very angry, his face fell

said Our Lord to Kain: why are you angry
why has your face fallen?
surely you shan’t be taken
if you do what is right?
and if you do not do what is right
at the entrance of the house awaits the not-good
desiring you, and you will give the order

Kain told his brother Habel
and when they were in the forest
Kain rose, went to Habel
and killed him

Our Lord said to Kain:
where is your brother Habel?
he said: I don’t know
am I my brother’s carer?
10 he said: what have you done?
I can hear your brother’s blood
screaming to me from the field

11 now, shame on you
the land has opened its mouth
to receive your brother’s blood
through your hand, and on it
12 you will work and it shall no longer produce for you
and you will move far away
wandering around the world

13 said Kain to Our Lord:
so heavy is my load
that it cannot be borne

14 on this day you have chased me off
from my land you have expelled me
I will hide away out of your sight

I shall travel far away
to wander around the world
and anyone who sees me will kill me

15 said Our Lord: in that case
anyone who kills you
will suffer vengeance sevenfold

and Our Lord put on Kain
an identifying sign
so that whoever would meet him should not strike him

16 and Kain went far from Our Lord
to reside in the land called Nod
east of Eden

 Readings from Genesis: Genesis 22:1-19 in Nawat translation and an English gloss
© 2014 Alan R. King and Ne Bibliaj Tik Nawat

Ne Teut kiejekuj Abraham

TIPAN ne Teut kiejekuj Abraham:
nikan ninemi!
inak Abraham

ashan shikwi ne mukunew
ne sea tiktasujta, ne Itzak
shu wejka hasta ne tal pal Mori-Ya
shiktakuli unkan Itzak ken tetakulis
pak se tepet

ka tapuyawa Abraham kiajshitij n' iburroj
kinwikak ume takat iwan
wan Itzak n' ipiltzin
kitzayan kwawit ipal ne tetakulis
wan kiski pal yawi
kanka kilwij ne Teut

tik ne tunal yey ajkutachishki Abraham
kitak kan yu-ajsi né wejka, kilwij ne takamet:
shinakakan nikan iwan ne burroj
naja wan ne piltzin tiasnekit ka ikuni
san titankwaketzasket
wan talmukwepasket

Abraham kikwij ne kwawit
ne muneki ipal ne tetakulis
wan kitalij iteputzta Itzak n' ipiltzin
kikwij tik imey ne tit wan ne tepusti
wan senyajket
ne inhumeshtin

Itzak kilwij Abraham n' iteku
inak: nuteku; inak:
nikan ninemi, nupiltzin
inak: nikan nemit ne tit wan ne kwawit wan
kan nemi ne ichkat

Abraham inak:
ne Teut yu-kitalia
ne ichkat pal mutakulia
wan ne ujume
senyajket ka ishpan

ajsiket kan kilwijtuya ne Teut
Abraham kiketzki ka né ne tepatznaj
wan kiekchijki ne kwawit
kilpij Itzak n' ipiltzin wan kitekak
pak ne tepatznaj
ijpak ne kwawit

10 Abraham kimelajki n' imey
wan kitzkij ne tepusti
pal kimiktia n' ipiltzin
11 se tanawatiani tik n' ilwikak kinutzki:
Abraham Abraham
inak: nikan ninemi

12 inak: maka shikmelawa ne mumey pak ne piltzin
maka shikchiwili tatka
ashan nikmatiaya ka tiktakamati ne Teut
ika tiktemakatuskia nuwan su nimetztajtantuskia
ne mukunew
sea tasujtatuk

13 Abraham ajkutachishki
wan shikita! se ukichichkat
muitzkijtuk tik ne machorraj tech n' icachoj!
yajki Abraham kikwi ne ichkat
wan kitakulij ne Teut
ipatka n' ikunew

14 Abraham kinutzki ne itukay ne kan nemik: "Tutajwan Kitalia". Wan hasta ini tunal inat: Tik n' itepew Tutajwan muitas.

15 n' itanawatiani Tutajwan kinuzki Abraham senpa
16 inak: nupanpa nikchiwa jurar
ina Tutajwan
ka ika tikchijki uni wan tiktemakatuskia
ne mukunew
sea tasujtatuk

17 ka naja niu-nimetzteuchiwa
niu-nikinmiakchiwa ne mupilawan
ken ne sitalmet ijtik n' ilwikat
ken ne ashal iten ne weyat
mupilawan yu-muchiwat intejtekuyu
n' intejtechan ne kinhishijiat
18 wan muteuchiwasket ipanpa mupilawan
muchi ne tejtechan pal ne taltikpak
ika tinechtakamatki

19 Mukwepki Abraham itech n' itejtekitini. Muketzket wan senyajket Beer-Sheba wan mukawki Abraham tik Beer-Sheba.

God tests Abraham

AFTER that, God put Abraham to the test:
he said to him
here I am!
said Abraham
he said:

now take your child
who you dearly love, Yitzhak
travel as far as the land of Mori-Ya
offer there Yitzhak as an offering
on a hill
that I’ll tell you

in the morning Abraham prepared his donkey
he took two men with him
and Yitzhak his son
split wood for the offering
and set out on foot
to where God told him

on the third day Abraham looked up
saw the place where they were heading in the distance, and told the men:
stay here with the donkey
I and the boy are going over there
we shall worship
and come back

Abraham took the wood
needed for the offering
and put it on the back of Yitzhak his son
he took in his hand the fire and the knife
and off
they both went

Yitzhak said to Abraham his father
he said: father; he said:
here I am, my son
he said: here are the fire and the wood, but
where is the sheep
we’re to offer?

Abraham said:
God will provide
the sheep to be offered
my son
and the two
walked on together

they reached the place God had told him
Abraham built an altar there
and prepared the wood
he tied up Yitzhak his son and laid him down
on the altar
upon the wood

10 Abraham stretched out his hand
and grasped the knife
to kill his son
11 a messenger in heaven called:
Abraham Abraham
he said: here I am

12 he said: do not lay your hand on the boy
do nothing to him
now I know that you are obedient to God
because you would have sacrificed to me had I asked you
your child
who you dearly love

13 Abraham looked up
and look! a ram
caught in the bushes by the horn!
Abraham went and fetched the sheep
and offered it to God
instead of his child

14 Abraham named the place where he was: "Our Lord Provides". And until this day they say: On Our Lord’s mountain it will be seen.

15 the messenger of Our Lord called to Abraham again:
16 he said: by me I swear
says Our Lord
that because you did that and were willing to sacrifice
your child
who you dearly love

17 I am going to bless you
I am going to make your offspring many
like the stars in heaven
like the sand by the sea
your children will become masters
of the towns of their enemies
18 and all the peoples of the world
will be blessed on account of your children
because you obeyed me

19  Abraham returned to his servants. They rose and went together to Beer-Sheba and Abraham remained in Beer-Sheba.

 Readings from Genesis: Genesis 27:1-45 in Nawat translation and an English gloss
© 2014 Alan R. King and Ne Bibliaj Tik Nawat

Yakob kishijshikuj Itzak

KWAK chulejtiak Itzak
wan intea tachiat ne ijish
kinutzki Esaw n' ikunew wey
kilwij: Nupiltzin. kilwij: Nikan ninemi.
inak: Naja nichuleta
wan te nikmati keman niu-nimiki.
Ashkan shikana mutajtaiwan

shikwi ne mumit pal titapewia
shu ka kojtan wan shalwika
se tapewil nupal
shikmana ken nugustoj
wan shalwika nupal
ma nitakwa wan nimetzteuchiwa
achtu ma niu-nimiki.

Rebeka kikakik Itzak
kinutza Esaw n' ikunew
Esaw yajki ka kojtan
kipewia se tapewil pal kalwika
Rebeka kilwij Yakob n' ikunew:
Naja nikakik ne muteku
kinutza Esaw ne muechkaw, inak:

Shalwika se tapewil nupal
shikmana wan niu-nitakwa
ma nimetzteuchiwa
achtu ma nimiki.
Ashan nupiltzin, shinechtakamati
wan shu-shikwi tay niu-nimetztuktia.
Shu kan tikpiat ne takwalmet

nimetztajtani ma shalkwi
ume cabrajkunet ajwiak
niu-nikmana ajajwiak
ipal muteku ken yaja igustoj.
10 Tiu-tikwika itech muteku
pal kikwa ma metzteuchiwa
achtu ma miki.

11 Yakob kilwij Rebeka n' inan:
Shikita ka Esaw ne nuechkaw
se takat sea pachon
wan naja nitakat petztik
12 anka yu-nechchijchimi nuteku
yu-nechita ken se shijshikuani
nalwikas nujpak maldicion, tesu teteuchiwalis!

13 ne inan kilwij: Ne mumaldicion
ma wetzi nujpak, nupiltzin
semaya shinechtakamati
wan shu-shalkwi tay nina.
14 yajki kikwi wan kiwikak itech n' inan
wan n' inan kichijki ne takwal
ken n' iteku igustoj katka

15 Rebeka kikwij
n' ikwajkwach Esaw
n' ikunew wey
ne mas yejyektzin
kipiatuya tik ne kal
wan kitalij ijpak Yakob
n' ikunew chikitik

16 wan iwan n' iewayu
ne cajcabrajtzitzin
kitzak n' ijimey
wan n' ikechkuyu kan petztik
17 wan kitalij ne takwal
wan ne tajtamal kichijki
tik imey Yakob n' ikunew

18 kalwikak itech n' iteku wan inak: Nuteku.
inak: Nikan ninemi, ká taja, nupipil?
19 Yakob kilwij n' iteku:
Naja ni Esaw ne muachtu.
Nikchijtuk ken tinechilwij.
Ashan shimutali tikwa ne nutapewil
wan shinechteuchiwa.

20 Itzak kilwij n' ipiltzin:
Ken ka inte tishtunak tikajsi, nupiltzin?
inak: Ika Tutajwan ne muTeut
ijkiuni kinekik.
21 Itzak kilwij Yakob:
Shiwi ma nimetzchijchimi nupiltzin
asu taja tinupiltzin Esaw ush inte.

22 Yakob tzinkiski itech Itzak n' iteku
yaja kichijchimik wan inak:
ne mukupak ikupak Yakob
wan ne mujmumey ijimey Esaw.
23 wan te kishmatki
ika n' ijimey ken n' ijimey Esaw
pajpachon, wan yaja kiteuchij.

24 kitajtanilij: Taja tinupiltzin Esaw?
inak: Kia naja ne.
25 inak: Shalwika pal nikwa
n' itapewil ne nukunew
ma nimetzteuchiwa.
kalwikak tel wan takwaj
wan kalwikak atata wan kiunik

26 Itzak n' iteku kilwij: Shiwi
shinechtennamiki, nupipil.
27 tzinkiski kitennamiki
wan kiajnekuj n' ikwajkwach
wan kiteuchij wan inak:
Puputuka ne nupiltzin ken puputuka
ne kojtan kiteuchij Tutajwan.

28 Ma metzmaka ne Teut
iajwech n' ilwikak
wan itumakka ne tal.
Ma metztepewili
miak sinti wan yayu.
29 Ma tekitikan muitan chijchinamit,
ma mutankwaketzakan muishpan talmet,
ma shimuchiwa intekuyu mukniwan,
ma mutankwaketzan muishpan ipilawan ne munan,
ma mutejtenewakan ne metztejtenewat,
yejyektenejtuk ne metzyektenewat!

30 wan kwak Itzak tamik kiteuchiwa Yakob
wan kisa nemi Yakob itech Itzak n' iteku
Esaw n' iechkaw kalak walaj
31 yaja nusan kimanki takwal
pal kalwika itech n' iteku
inak: Ma muketza nuteku, ma kikwa
itapewil n' ikunew ma shinechteuchiwa!

32 Itzak n' iteku kilwij: Ká taja?
inak: Naja nimuachtu Esaw.
33 pejki ijtzilika Itzak tetekia sea
inak: Ká ne kipewijtuk tapewil
ne kalwikak wan nikwaj muchi
achtu ka tiwalaj wan nikteuchij
wan teuchijtuk yu-naka?

34 kwak Esaw takakik tay inak n' iteku
pejki tzajtzi tetekia sea
kilwij n' iteku: Shinechteuchiwa
naja nusan, nuteku!
35 inak: Walaj muikaw
wan nechchiwiltij
wan kikwij ne mubendicion!

36 inak: Anka munutzki Yakob
ma nechawilti ukpa?
tay nupal ken achtupunijtuk
wan ashan
kikwijtuk nubendicion!
Inte tikantuk se bendicion nupal?

37 nankilij Itzak, kilwij Esaw:
Shikita, nikchijkia mutekuyu
wan muchi n' ikniwan
niktalij ken itejtekitini
sinti wan yayu niktepewilij
ashan shina
tay nimetzmakas, nupiltzin?

38 Esaw kilwij n' iteku:
Anka semaya tikpia
sanse bendicion, nuteku?
Shinechteuchiwa nusan!
wan pejki chuka
39 nankilij Itzak n' iteku, kilwij:

Wejka n' itumakka ne tal
yu-muajsi ne mukal
wan wejka ne iajwech n' ilwikak.
40 Iwan muespadaj tinakas yultuk,
itan ne muikaw titekitis,
melka uni, kwak tiu-timuejekua
tiu-tikishtia ijpak mukechtan.

41 Esaw kishijishki Yakob
ipanpa ne bendicion ipal n' iteku
inak Esaw tik iyulu:
Neman tiu-tiktalpachuat nuteku,
niu-nikmiktia Yakob ne nuikaw.
42 wan kilwijket Rebeka tay inak nemik Esaw n' ikunew wey
yaja kalnutzki Yakob n' ikunew chikitik, kilwij:

Esaw ne muechkaw kielewia metzmiktia.
43 Nupiltzin, shinechkaki ashan
shichulu ichan Laban
ne nuechkaw tik Jaran.
44 Shinaka iwan
ankakeski tunal
hasta ma kielkawa ne mumanuj n' ikwalan,

45 hasta ma mupata
n' ishkalyu ne muechkaw
wan kielkawa tay tikchiwilijtuk
wan niu-nimetznawatia
ma shalmukwepa, ika
taika niu-nimetzinpulua
anhumeshtin tik sanse tunal?

Yakov tricks Yitzhak

WHEN Yitzhak grew old
and his eyes could no longer see
he spoke to Esaw his older son
he said to him: My son. he said to him: Here I am.
he said: I’m an old man now
and I don’t know when I’m going to die.
Now pick up your gear

take your bow-and-arrow for hunting
go to the forest and bring
game for me
cook it the way I like it
and bring it to me
to eat and bless you
before I die.

Rebeka heard Yitzhak
talking to Esaw her child
Esaw went to the forest
to hunt game and bring it
Rebeka said to Yakov her child:
I heard your father
talking to Esaw your older brother, he said:

Bring me game
cook it and I shall eat
so as to bless you
before I die.
Now my son, obey me
and go and get what I’m going to tell you.
Go to where we keep the animals

I ask you to bring me
two tasty baby goats
I’m going to cook them nice
for your father the way he likes it.
10 You’ll take it to your father
to eat so as to bless you
before he dies.

11 Yakov said to Rebeka his mother:
But look, Esaw my older brother
is a very hairy fellow
and I am a smooth-skinned man
12 maybe my father will feel me
he’ll see that I’m a deceiver
I’ll bring on myself curses, not blessings!

13 his mother told him: May your curse
fall on me, my son
just do as I tell you
and go and get what I say.
14 he went to get it and brought it to his mother
and his mother made the meal
just the way his father liked it

15 Rebeka took
the clothes of Esaw
her oldest child
the best ones
she had in the house
and put them on Yakov
her youngest child

16 and with the skin
of the baby goats
she covered his hands
and his neck where it was smooth
17 and put the food
and the tortillas she had made
in her son Yakov’s hand

18 he brought it to his father and said: My father.
he said: Here I am, who are you, my boy?
19 Yakov said to his father:
I am Esaw your first.
I’ve done as you told me.
Now sit and eat my game
and bless me.

20 Yitzhak said to his son:
How come it didn’t take you longer to find it, my son?
he said: Because Our Lord your God
wanted it so.
21 Yitzhak said to Yakov:
Come let me feel you my son
to see if you’re my son Esaw or not.

22 Yakov came close to Yitzhak his father
he felt him and said:
your voice is Yakov’s voice
and your hands are Esaw’s hands.
23 and he didn’t recognise him
because his hands were like Esaw’s hands,
hairy, and he blessed him.

24 he asked him: Are you my son Esaw?
he said: Yes it’s me.
25 he said: Bring my child’s
game for me to eat
so as to bless you.
so he brought it and he ate
and he brought him alcohol and he drank

26 Yitzhak his father said to him: Come
kiss me, my boy.
27 he came over to kiss him
and he smelled his clothes
and blessed him and said:
My son has a fragrance like the fragrance
of the forest blessed by Our Lord.

28 May God give you
the dew of the sky
and the fat of the land.
May he heap on you
much corn and juice.
29 May towns serve under you,
may countries kneel before you,
may you become the master of your siblings,
may your mother’s children kneel  before you,
may those who damn you be damned,
praised those who praise you!

30 and when Yitzhak finished blessing Yakov
and Yakov was leaving Yitzhak his father
Esaw his older brother was coming in
31 he also cooked a meal
to bring to his father
he said: Let my father get up, let him eat
his son’s game so that you bless me!

32 Yitzhak his father said to him: Who are you?
he said: I am your first, Esaw.
33 Yitzhak started trembling vehemently
he said: Who is it who has hunted game
who brought it and I ate everything
before you came and I blessed him
and blessed he will remain?

34 when Esaw heard what his father said
he began shouting vehemently
he said to his father: Bless me,
me too, father!
35 he said: Your younger brother came
and tricked me
and took your blessing!

36 he said: Perhaps he was called Yakov
so he would dupe me twice?
He already took from me
my right as firstborn
and now
he’s taken my blessing!
Haven’t you saved a blessing for me?

37 in reply Yakov told Esaw:
Look, I made him your master
and all his siblings
I established as his servants
corn and juice I heaped on him
so now tell me
what shall I give you, my son?

38 Esaw said to his father:
Maybe you only have
just one blessing, father?
Bless me too!
and he began to cry
39 in answer Yitzhak his father said to him:

Far from the fat of the land
will be your house
and far from the dew of the sky.
40 With your sword you will remain alive,
under your younger brother you will serve,
despite that, when you exert yourself
you shall throw him off your neck.

41 Esaw detested Yakov
for his father’s blessing
Esaw said in his heart:
One day we will bury my father,
I’ll kill Yakov my younger brother.
42 and they told Rebeka what Esaw her older child was saying
she called Yakov her younger child over and told him:

Esaw your older brother wishes to kill you.
43 My son, listen to me now
flee to Laban’s house
my big brother in Haran.
44 Stay with him
for a few days
until your brother forgets his anger,

45 until there’s a change
in your older brother’s countenance
and he forgets what you have done to him
and I will let you know
so you can come back, because
why should I lose you
both on the same day?


  1. I really like what you are doing. I do have some subtle suggestions and comments:

    Instead of saying pachon, I'd suggest you write pajsulnaj. It's just another way of saying the same, but I like this one because it abides to the pipil orthography.

    It is interesting that you use yekmil, since shuchital is not used and because it alludes to the fact that this place (the garden) is virtuous.

    Also, I think it should say "ne mukunew / sea tiktasujtatuk" (Gen. 22:17).

  2. Thanks for your comments, Jaime.
